Causes of impaired concentration in adults

Failure of attention can occur in both children and adults. Many cases of the development of this problem in childhood with its subsequent deepening at an older age have been found.
Specialists characterize failure of attention as a process of narrowing the amount of attention (a person is distracted by side irritations), as well as a decrease in the coordination of actions.
Types of attention failure
Violation of concentration of attention can be divided into 3 categories:
- "Fluttering attention" or distraction can be characterized as a process of uncontrolled switching of attention, as well as poor concentration. This type is usually present in schoolchildren, but can also occur in older people, usually with great fatigue.
- “Scientist's inattention” is a difficult shift of attention from one process to another, as a result of a very deep focus on the process or on one's thoughts. A person with this type is characterized by the presence of obsessive thoughts.
- “Distraction of old people” is a condition that is characterized by poor concentration of attention and the possibility of its switching. The disease occurs in the case of constant fatigue, oxygen starvation of the brain, as well as in people, mostly elderly, who suffer from cerebral atherosclerosis.
Attention deficit in adults
This syndrome not only a child can have, but also a fully-grown person.
Constant distraction, poor self-organization, forgetfulness - this is where it can lead to.
To overcome this psychological disease, you must first understand its root.
This diagnosis is usually found in children at school age, and then it manifests itself even at an older age. But sometimes the symptom can be diagnosed for the first time even in adulthood.
The process of disease progression is also unique, the symptoms of adults are completely different from those of children.
Diseases in which there is a violation of concentration
The list of such diseases includes:
- depression;
- hypoprosexia;
- hyperprosexia;
- paraprosexia;
- epilepsy and head injuries.
Epileptics and people suffering from depression have so-called stiff and "stuck" attention. In this case, there is a decrease in the activity of nerve processes, the inability to switch attention.
Hypoprosexia causes a decrease in concentration. Its type is aprosexia, in which, in the case of multiple distractions, concentration and the ability to concentrate is completely absent.
Excessive concentration of a person on one thing, for example, on some actions or thoughts, is characteristic of hyperprosexia. This is the so-called one-sided focus of attention.
With paraprosexia, concentration deviations may occur, which are characterized by the appearance of delusions and hallucinations. This arises due to the fact that the human brain is constantly tense, and this leads to such consequences.
Such an effect can be observed even in a perfectly healthy person, for example, in athletes who are experiencing enormous moral stress.
So a runner waiting for the “start” signal, concentrating very strongly on this, can hear the signal in his head, even before its sounding in reality.
Symptoms of concentration failure
Poor concentration of attention in adults has different forms:
1) The inability to focus on one task or business. You can easily be distracted by some object or sound, which leads to a switch to another object or to another task. In this case, there is a “freeze” and “wandering” of attention. A person is not able to concentrate on the task, does not pay attention to details, can not focus, for example, when reading a book or in the case of a dialogue.
2) Another manifestation of the disease is the ability to concentrate on one thing. An example is listening to music or reading a book, when we do not notice anything around. In some cases, this disadvantage can be used for work purposes, but you should not forget that this can sometimes cause inconvenience to you and those around you.
3) Poor self-organization, as well as constant forgetting is a sign of poor concentration. The consequences of that are:
- constant postponing of work tasks;
- late arrival to work, etc .;
- systematic loss of things, forgetting their location;
- poor orientation in time, inability to estimate the time of work, etc.
4) Impulsiveness is another sign of the disease. This may be accompanied by not understanding the parts of the conversation, the experience of the interlocutor. You are able to first say or do, and only then think about the consequences. Tend to perform actions that can cause dependency.
5) Emotional problems can cause anger and frustration in patients. Symptoms of this form of the disease are:
- constant mood swings;
- the inability to motivate yourself and maintain motivation;
- low self-esteem, no perception of criticism;
- hyperactivity;
- constant feeling of tiredness;
- frequent nervous excitement.
Hyperactivity in adults is much less common than in children, and this symptom does not always indicate a concentration disorder.
If these symptoms are present, you should contact a specialist in this area to investigate and clarify the problems.
The main doctors who can determine the degree of the disease are a neurologist, a psychologist and a psychiatrist.
Only after consulting a doctor, it is possible to completely determine the problem and methods of treatment, since this can only be specified in the individual case.
In connection with the reasons mentioned above, it can be seen that there are a lot of factors affecting the disturbance of concentration and they are diverse, and therefore it is impossible to give a simple piece of advice on how to avoid it.
In simple cases, it is definitely recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, give body and spirit a rest during regular stresses, change the type of activity during the rest.
At the same time, prevention is in your hands. After all, we know that it is better to prevent than to eliminate the consequences. On our website you will be able to undergo a course of attention concentration exercises, with the help of which, if possible, you can avoid situations requiring the participation of doctors.